I started GoGoSnap 13 years ago because my husband calls me Go Go. I guess I just go, go and go. I don’t even drink a lot of caffeine. It’s just me. I had a full-service design studio that designed everything, except wedding invitations. I designed websites, brochures, billboards, logos, packaging, advertising. Along the way, I merged my passion for collecting vintage paper with wedding invitations. Now, I specialize in wedding stationery exclusively.
This year is shaping up to be a great year! And with this new year, I have a new name. I have always loved swans and what they embody— they are graceful, elegant and bond for life— a lovely sentiment to symbolize finding your true love and getting married. So let’s say goodbye to GoGoSnap and HELLO to Gilded Swan Paperie.

#vintageweddingstationery #artnouveauweding #edwardianwedding #artdecoweddinginvitations #gatsbywedding #gildedswan #gildedswanpaperie